11 Mar 2025
Behind the LensCalvin will give detailed insight into selecting images for portfolios, and the importance of having a live working portfolio for presentation throughout your photographic career.Sponsored by:Hahnemühle
Photo LiveBelinda will unlock the secrets behind creating artful imagery of our furry friends while maximising client sales.
All Things AnalogueFilm is not dead! Join this session with Giles to see why the future of film photography is brightSponsored by:Ilford Photo
Photo LiveScott will show you how to efficiently pose a bride and groom for fabulous, natural images.Sponsored by:FujifilmSpeakers
All Things AnalogueHear all about Craig Fleming's practice of shooting analogue in this informative session.
Behind the LensMargot will share what inspired her to start the Remembering Wildlife book series, and the impact its donations have had on conservation projects worldwide.Sponsored by:Remembering WildlifeSpeakers
FeaturedBehind the LensJoin legendary music photographer Christie Goodwin as she discusses the importance of finding your own voice in photography, and why it's even more vital to stand out in today's fast-paced world.Sponsored by:CEWESpeakers
Fundamentals StageIan will explain how the world of volume schools, sports, dance, and nursery photography works, and how modern platforms can make it a viable, regular income stream.
Photo LiveJoin one of the top liquids specialist in the world, David Lund, as he recreates an electrifying shoot, capturing colliding fruits in vibrant bursts of colour.
All Things AnalogueJoin this session with Gabrielle where she shares her secrets on how students and visual artists can slow down and cultivate trust with film photography.
Photo LiveLearn how to create high-impact editorial fashion images that grab attention.
All Things AnalogueIntrigued by the idea of setting up your own darkroom? Join this session with Hannah who will share his tips and tricks on setting up small darkroom spaces.Sponsored by:Ilford Photo
Fundamentals StageOliver will share how your mindset and attitude can make a huge difference to your career as a visual storyteller.Sponsored by:Fujifilm
Behind the LensLiam shares how and why he uses light-painting to capture surreal impressions of the world that are still grounded in reality.Sponsored by:Sony
Behind the LensAn inspirational talk from urban photographer Ben, about his journey as a photographer and the opportunities it has brought him.
All Things AnalogueJoin this session with Tina where she will talk about how she uses the traditional darkroom and vintage darkroomless techniques such as cyanotype and gum printing in her photographic practice.Speakers
Photo LiveJoin Chris Frazer Smith for the ultimate portrait workflow.Sponsored by:Capture One
Behind the LensTom Mason will share his experiences and lessons from his decade as a pro wildlife photographer, from changing the way he shoots to actually making a living.Speakers